The 1vs1 Tournament

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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by manga »

is now being done team matches (CTF and Domination) I enter the game more often than modaratörs I think that the problem Moderators always consistently used in the game and made ​​the match more I find a solution to this (remus and modearators) :agree: :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by manga »

See the list of the most recent match at date (ctf and domination)
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by By_Fatih »

Kurt /Enes Tekin) İs Break Of Game He Said On FaceBook ME ..!
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by By_Enes »

Can i join tournaments? :lol:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by By_Fatih »

Hey WTF!

Kurt And Me Make A 1v1 Tournament Match

I Wining 5-0 He İs Exit!
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Tournament MAtch !

Post by By_Fatih »

Look Remus!
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by By_Enes »

Hi Remus And Moderators ,
Can you add me tournament ?
sega VS By_Enes will good ,, i think or Topcu VS By_Enes..wanted to see the opponent{they}.. :agree:

Waiting for your reply :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by sega »

Remus ;
I think it must be some excitement to the game.
1vs1 tournament will bring exciting game.
What do you think?
It would be very exciting if it is placed in an attractive Prize revealed.


Not :enes vay maç istemişsin 1.5 sene once :D ben forum kullanmıyordum ki ozaman,görmemişim. bizim maçımız yarı final yada final maçı olur grup maçı olmaz :D :D
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

immortals vs :?: :?:
why? :think:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

This is just a request or idea :agree:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

Sometimes you can not find teammate is going to play 1 vs 1 would be my choice :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by sega »

slapshot wrote:immortals vs :?:
why? :think:
1) There's nothing to be afraid of. Hahahahahahahhhahhhh
2)I'm not immortal 1vs1
3)I'm immortal = 3vs3 or 4vs4 or the camp is full !
4)Cowards are stored behind the excuse.
5)Never forget it
6)If you forget, you just look in the mirror.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by freekarol »

sega wrote: 4)Cowards are stored behind the excuse.
Not just cowards but also players who see no reason to fight against immortals. Why players should let immortals kill them without any effort? To help them to be a legend or even an Icon? Pay them for it and they will do it with pleasure. :P
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by sega »

Karol ! Look, please." onclick=";return false;
within the first 100 ;
65 players under 500 frags. 65%. ( This Month )
All I want is to bring excitement to the game and to increase the number of people online.
Why do you think that 65% of people offline?
The new weapons to the game brings excitement.That's right.
But I think it is not enough.
1vs1 tournament or any one thing does matter.
We are looking for excitement.
I think I'm right.

and I'm tired of hearing the words, Immortal and Bad Con anymore.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by freekarol »

I have just commented your fourth point...You are tired of hearing often words like immortals or bad con. Others are tired of shooting milion bullets to kill somebody without any success. So a solution is needed...

1 vs 1 could be good but that depends on Remus=if it's worth investing his time in making this kind of match.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

sega wrote:Karol ! Look, please." onclick=";return false;
within the first 100 ;
65 players under 500 frags. 65%. ( This Month )
All I want is to bring excitement to the game and to increase the number of people online.
Why do you think that 65% of people offline?
The new weapons to the game brings excitement.That's right.
But I think it is not enough.
1vs1 tournament or any one thing does matter.
We are looking for excitement.
I think I'm right.

and I'm tired of hearing the words, Immortal and Bad Con anymore.
Get used to it. You are in the top 100 because you are immortal AND NO OTHER REASON. Why do you think 65% of people are offline? Because of idiot, arrogant immortals like you, that's why. I think you are WRONG.
Tired of hearing Bad Conn Immortal? Try DOING something about it other than bragging and claiming we insult your country. Without this shit connection you would be NOBODY. The only coward I see is you.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

sega wrote:
slapshot wrote:immortals vs ?
why? :think:
1) There's nothing to be afraid of. Hahahahahahahhhahhhh
2)I'm not immortal 1vs1
3)I'm immortal = 3vs3 or 4vs4 or the camp is full !
4)Cowards are stored behind the excuse.
5)Never forget it
6)If you forget, you just look in the mirror.
Oyşşşş !!!
Gencler bu laflardan sonra 1 ay foruma giremicem garanti :D
It's exactly this kind of arrogance that has driven 65% of the players out of this game. You say we are "cowards hiding behind this excuse". I am about 1 inch away from quitting this game because of total idiots like yourself. Quite honestly, there isn't room enough for your ego and the rest of us to play this game.
The fact is, ever since you joined this game, more (true) veteran players have quit. Why? one simple reason, we worked our asses off to get good at this game. Only to have some simple twit like yourself come along with a total shit connection to hide behind. Without that connection you would be no better than anyone else. It's no wonder you do nothing to make it better other than brag about yourself. You haven't the slightest clue of what it is like to posses good sportsmanship.
The simple truth is: you are being a complete loser. And at this rate, you always will be.

While I would love to have tournaments again, I REFUSE to have anything to do with any competition based around players like you.

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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by profesorhr »

It's exactly this kind of arrogance that has driven 65% of the players out of this game. You say we are "cowards hiding behind this excuse". I am about 1 inch away from quitting this game because of total idiots like yourself. Quite honestly, there isn't room enough for your ego and the rest of us to play this game.
The fact is, ever since you joined this game, more (true) veteran players have quit. Why? one simple reason, we worked our asses off to get good at this game. Only to have some simple twit like yourself come along with a total shit connection to hide behind. Without that connection you would be no better than anyone else. It's no wonder you do nothing to make it better other than brag about yourself. You haven't the slightest clue of what it is like to posses good sportsmanship.
The simple truth is: you are being a complete loser. And at this rate, you always will be.

While I would love to have tournaments again, I REFUSE to have anything to do with any competition based around players like you.[/color]
I could not say it better myself. Good point! I was (am) giving a thought to quit this game because of those players. There is no more enjoyment when playing with them (camps are now days only bloated with them) and not having ability to win or just come close to win it. But I won't let them stop me playing because there are still players like yourself freekarol, Lenny Topz, Ace, manga... I still remember our epic duels with pistols, crossbow or any other weapon. Less and less real veterans still play the game. I hope things will be better in a future.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

profesorhr wrote: I could not say it better myself. Good point! I was (am) giving a thought to quit this game because of those players. There is no more enjoyment when playing with them (camps are now days only bloated with them) and not having ability to win or just come close to win it. But I won't let them stop me playing because there are still players like yourself freekarol, Lenny Topz, Ace, manga... I still remember our epic duels with pistols, crossbow or any other weapon. Less and less real veterans still play the game. I hope things will be better in a future.
To give up:
Give up to prevent things from getting any worse? No. Giving up would only ensure that nothing gets any better. Myself, I have chosen to fight. These idiots think they own this game. They are wrong.

We spent hours and hours honing a skill, to become better players. We trained each other. We took pride in watching not only ourselves become true Legends, but in helping others along the way to become better players and future Legends. We created teams and played fairly. We promoted good sportsmanship and built a community.

All of this only to have a team full of unscrupulous idiots try to ruin this game for everyone? Bullshit. We all are very well aware of what they are up to. So I have decided to take a stand.

I refuse to allow them into my camp. If I must join a camp that they are in, it's only long enough to encourage someone to leave and join a camp with me.
Today I was asked: "why not let them play? They are targets, we can just blast away at them". Simple answer: I refuse to give them the pleasure. Allowing them to join my camps or matches only encourages them to continue being what we all hate.

And it's already getting worse, they have corrupted two new players into thinking that they want to be just like them. This is not what I spent the last 3 years working for. To have two young players decide they want to be immortal "hardcore pros" ?

canerr07 wrote:me and my friend want playy free teams with by_enes and sega.and play they won they are hardpro players.they are our future.

Bullshit. I won't just sit here and watch them do this. :evil:

So I took a stand. When they enter my camp, I kick them. There's a couple of idiots who make it a game for a few minutes and continually join back in, but eventually, they give up.

Now I'm completely aware that this may make me a "bad attitude" player in the eyes of others. And if enough "true veteran" players object, I may stop. But so far the only complaints are coming from the idiot shit-conns that started all of this. :roll: So far I've not asked any others to agree with me, let alone join me. But I am now. I intend to try to clean this game up from players like these. If I have to try it alone, so be it. But if others take a stand, maybe they will get the point and clean up their acts or move on to ruin some other game.

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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by freekarol »

slapshot wrote: I refuse to allow them into my camp.
The problem is that they return, return, return and return. Not to play but to use a command > N punish.

Blocking somebody to enter a camp would be very helpful. Now we have just two solutions: use a command > N max or kicking out unwelcome players over and over again.

BTW, By Immortal and Canerra provoked you today. When you left they didnt enter the camp anymore.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

freekarol wrote:
slapshot wrote: I refuse to allow them into my camp.
The problem is that they return, return, return and return. Not to play but to use a command > N punish.

Blocking somebody to enter a camp would be very helpful. Now we have just two solutions: use a command > N max or kicking out unwelcome players over and over again.

BTW, By Immortal and Canerra provoked you today. When you left they didnt enter the camp anymore.

BTW, "By_Immortal" is sometimes sega's brother, sometimes sega. Both are idiots in my book. Canerr07 is a "wannabe". He thinks sega is cool. He wants to be just like sega so apparently he wants to be an idiot too.
Being provoked doesn't matter to me anymore. Rescuing this game from idiots like these is my only mission. :whatis:

But yes, blocking a player from entering would be a useful tool. But I believe it has to be a "class" of player. In other words, just like using "> elite camp" command, those who are or are not classed on a list are affected.
But then, I guess we could always establish a list of idiots.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

It does not concern me, but no player can be installed according to the head causes the absence of the father, not the property of anyone pin this game to others that you will sink in a bit do you use for your own interests :roll:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

onomuno wrote:It does not concern me, but no player can be installed according to the head causes the absence of the father, not the property of anyone pin this game to others that you will sink in a bit do you use for your own interests :roll:
:think: Proof that Turkish cannot be successfully translated to English. Sorry onomuno, I have no idea what you are trying to say.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

Be the ripe age of your child some great 3-year-old children do not treat us like we may have made a mistake where this will continue until the end of them sleeps but the enemy does not have to be a saying water :agree:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

I'm sick of these fights I want a moment ago, this topic needs to be closed this game can play friendly :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

If we play this game, everything is friendly to everyone I respect my sweetness is connected to the first important step is to :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

Everyone can make mistakes, we are human beings a young honest people like you we can put aside the old pages should open a new page :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

If you are happy with what my benefit me and my friends :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

onomuno wrote:Be the ripe age of your child some great 3-year-old children do not treat us like we may have made a mistake where this will continue until the end of them sleeps but the enemy does not have to be a saying water :agree:
This must have different meaning in Turkish than in English. I still do not understand.
onomuno wrote:Everyone can make mistakes, we are human beings a young honest people like you we can put aside the old pages should open a new page :cheers:
I believe I do understand this. Now try to understand me:

Actions speak louder than words.

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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

Do u want peace then the event will not

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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

Everyone can make mistakes here we have a saying homer sometimes nods :biggthumbsup: :cheers:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by general48 »

He now wants to delete the no disrespect,now, no swearing and to comply with the rules :biggthumbsup:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

It is very easy for one man to claim he speaks for every man. (Our government does it all the time). It is easy to deliver empty promises.

I believe onomuno speaks for himself. Again, I ask for actions rather than words.

The others must also speak and act for themselves.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by onomuno »

I believe I've expressed myself then it will be better :biggthumbsup: :wink:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

onomuno wrote:I believe I've expressed myself then it will be better :biggthumbsup: :wink:

And I am waiting to hear from the others.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by profesorhr »

I intend to try to clean this game up from players like these. If I have to try it alone, so be it. But if others take a stand, maybe they will get the point and clean up their acts or move on to ruin some other game.[/b]
You are not alone my friend! We can form a group called Dirty Dozen (slap, karol, prof, manga, topz, lenny, ace, supreme....) who will deal with this issue.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

profesorhr wrote:
I intend to try to clean this game up from players like these. If I have to try it alone, so be it. But if others take a stand, maybe they will get the point and clean up their acts or move on to ruin some other game.[/b]
You are not alone my friend! We can form a group called Dirty Dozen (slap, karol, prof, manga, topz, lenny, ace, supreme....) who will deal with this issue.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by freekarol »

profesorhr wrote:
I intend to try to clean this game up from players like these. If I have to try it alone, so be it. But if others take a stand, maybe they will get the point and clean up their acts or move on to ruin some other game.[/b]
You are not alone my friend! We can form a group called Dirty Dozen (slap, karol, prof, manga, topz, lenny, ace, supreme....) who will deal with this issue.
True. :twisted:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by Lenny »

I :agree:
Veterans need perseverance & persistence to keep this game clean.

profesorhr wrote:
You are not alone my friend! We can form a group called Dirty Dozen (slap, karol, prof, manga, topz, lenny, ace, supreme....) who will deal with this issue.
You moron.
We are called the Dirty Dozen, but we only have 8 members & our head of accounts is called the Profesorhr.
How the hell do you expect anybody to take use seriously. :think:

I think it's back to the drawing board for the Prof.

:shock: :lol:
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by Remus »

Lenny wrote:You moron.
We are called the Dirty Dozen, but we only have 8 members & our head of accounts is called the Profesorhr.
How the hell do you expect anybody to take use seriously. :think:
The Dirty Ozen (the 8 wizards of Oz).
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by profesorhr »

Hey you guys, did you all missed those 4 dots (.) at the end :mrgreen: With us 8 + 4(.) = 12 You don't need to be Einstein :oops: Lenny it's not Profesorhr it is profesorhr with small P (p)
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by slapshot »

sega wrote:
slapshot wrote:immortals vs :?:
why? :think:
1) There's nothing to be afraid of. Hahahahahahahhhahhhh
2)I'm not immortal 1vs1
3)I'm immortal = 3vs3 or 4vs4 or the camp is full !
4)Cowards are stored behind the excuse.
5)Never forget it
6)If you forget, you just look in the mirror.
Oyşşşş !!!
Gencler bu laflardan sonra 1 ay foruma giremicem garanti :D
I hope our message is loud and clear to you sega. If not, read the previous posts very carefully. Because:
1. These "cowards" you speak of are taking this game back.
2. We have all grown tired of your arrogance and bad connection.
3. Clean up your connection and improve your attitude or leave this game.
4. You and any other players who want to be like you are no longer welcome in our camps.
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Re: The 1vs1 Tournament

Post by Lenny »

profesorhr wrote:Hey you guys, did you all missed those 4 dots (.) at the end :mrgreen: With us 8 + 4(.) = 12 You don't need to be Einstein :oops: (p)
-... ..- .-.. .-.. ... .... .. -

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