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Re: black hawk

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 02:56
by deamuel
kilzon ur good player and always online :cheers:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 08:54
by boglombear
deamuel wrote:kilzon ur good player and always online

always ive been in a few games he is excellent :cheers: :cheers: :agree: :agree:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 03:38
by deamuel


GAME IMPROVE :mrgreen:


Re: black hawk

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 04:20
by Jennifer
deamuel wrote:SGT,


GAME IMPROVE :mrgreen:

ur a very good player deamuel good work keep improving :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 04:35
by deamuel
Jen, heart touch you the only one who said i am a good player thank you jen :cry: yes i am good,good for luanching rpg and apc map :mrgreen:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 00:25
by kilzon

Re: black hawk

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 00:59
by Jennifer
deamuel wrote:Jen, heart touch you the only one who said i am a good player thank you jen :cry: yes i am good,good for luanching rpg and apc map :mrgreen:
hehe yes and your welcome my good friend deamuel :D

Re: black hawk

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 01:03
by Sgt_Saunders
We will get better, I enjoy teaming up with you.

Re: black hawk

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 01:09
by Sgt_Saunders

Alianzacope is looking to join the team. You have some decisions to make to fill the 10th spot.


Re: black hawk

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 04:34
by troy1
remus please add kilzon and kick out suntiger

Re: black hawk

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 08:01
by deamuel
sir remus,

please sir add now kilzon :worship: :worship: :worship:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 00:31
by Sgt_Saunders
Remus, :worship:
As a team mate on the Black Hawks I endorse Troy 1, request for the addition of Kilzon :biggthumbsup: and the deletion of Suntiger :biggthumbsdown: from the Black Hawks. Suntiger after be accepted in the Black Hawks has not been active with the team and I notice on other team forum pages he is requesting to join there teams. A good team mate would not do such a thing, our team is young and we are learning to play together in matches. We have not won yet, but we will not give up when things get tough.

Thank You for your consideration,

Sgt_Saunders :cheers:


Re: black hawk

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 10:21
by Remus
Sgt_Saunders wrote:Remus, :worship:
As a team mate on the Black Hawks I endorse Troy 1, request for the addition of Kilzon :biggthumbsup: and the deletion of Suntiger
1) kilzon already played 14 matches for this team." onclick=";return false;
2) SunTiger cannot be removed until september 1st.

Re: black hawk

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 17:56
by Sgt_Saunders
To all my Black Hawk teammates attached below is the updated logo for our team. I have been asked by other teammate to send it to Remus, but to be fair to all and Troy our captain. I am re-posting the logo I proposing. If all is good I will send it up to Remus to be added to our team name. Today is Saturday, let agree or disagree by next Friday. If someone has something different they would like to submit, than post it for a team review.

Sgt_Saunders :biggthumbsup:


Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 00:06
by deamuel
nice i agree sgt :agree:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 01:37
by bmx123
hi srry i did`nt tell u
i made me a team
my team is the hunger games (the team name)
so i wannted to tell u whish me luck

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 06:32
by troy1
ok first of all bmx u can't quit till september 1st 2nd y r u quiting I have pro now haha team just got better 3rd where were u 4th sgt I love it 5th azncodmw3 what camp do u play we sould we have not talked in a long time 6th I think that is all if I missed something please tell me so I can get it done

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 06:47
by troy1
who do we want removed from the team and who do we want added to the team I post this because of inactive player player that dose not want to play matches and player quiting to make another team and cents we r voting on team logo just to said again I love it sgt good work and hi to all team members hope u r having good weekend

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 06:59
by troy1
I would like to play with any new members that we consider adding september 1st we will add shasha and remove boglombear suntiger and bmx because he dose not want to be a part of this amazing team we have to top three players with pro deamule in 1st troy in 2nd and sgt in first and then we have our active kilzon in 4th without pro plus after we get shasha we will have 4 with pro possible 5

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 07:02
by troy1
sorry for all the long messages I am doing this half asleep so some of it won't make any sence so just ignor it thank u

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 09:10
by Lenny
troy1 wrote:sorry for all the long messages I am doing this half asleep so some of it won't make any sence so just ignor it thank u
Ok :lol: :lol:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 11:20
by deamuel

forward now the team logo troy1 agree :agree: :pompom:


Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 15:48
by alianzacopa
hi deamuel: Iam please need is in you team Black Hawk . You team is good . THANKS . :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 15:59
by deamuel

ok wait for troy1 reply,your active player so :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 17:09
by troy1
I want to play with him first and we have to wait for september

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 18:42
by Sgt_Saunders
Teammates, I will send the logo to Remus for approval. Also lets be patient and learn to play together in matches. Though all of us live in different parts of the world with different languages, lets us all be patient with each other as we work through our language barrier. Our ages should be meaningless here in or virtual world.




Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 19:21
by Lenny
Image size 256x128

Re: black hawk

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 21:40
by deamuel

ur the bsest man :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 03:51
by troy1
sgt r we going to need a pic of everyone on team

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 07:51
by boglombear
troy1 wrote:I would like to play with any new members that we consider adding september 1st we will add shasha and remove boglombear suntiger and bmx because he dose not want to be a part of this amazing team we have to top three players with pro deamule in 1st troy in 2nd and sgt in first and then we have our active kilzon in 4th without pro plus after we get shasha we will have 4 with pro possible 5
troy 1 sorry i havent played any games because i was in hospital i broke my arm pls dont get rid of me i will play loads of games when my arms better

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 11:56
by deamuel

did you remember when i always call you and ncy map to play matches and apc dm map?you always left the game i dont know why you always left the game? :mad:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 12:53
by troy1
u should have told that to deamule in the first place

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 13:13
by boglombear
troy1 wrote:u should have told that to deamule in the first place

sorry can i stay i promise ill play team death match :biggthumbsup: :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 13:57
by deamuel

give bogloombear chance lets see if he can do her promise :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 14:46
by boglombear
deamuel wrote:troy1

give bogloombear chance lets see if he can do her promise :biggthumbsup:
tnx i wont let our team down

Re: black hawk

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 15:24
by slapshot
:biggthumbsup: Good Team ethics! Don't kick a man when he is down! :biggthumbsup:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 02:27
by Sgt_Saunders
:biggthumbsup: Troy, Deamuel, both of you have shown wisdom and leadership. This makes for a strong team. I am proud to be your teammate.

Now for some team business:

From what I understand we are closed to presenting a set of photos for team picture to be placed in one of the camps. I have the time and if all the Black Hawk teammates send me your picture I will put it together and have it ready for when its time send it up to Remus. You can PM me through the forum with them. In the message also give me your player name and real name (optional). Though we are allowed 10 team members, I believe only the top 5 or 6 players can be placed on the team bill board, (if this is so we can revue our top players we will request and make adjustments every month or so). I will get that info later, but until than send me photos. This is not a requirement to be on the team. If you want to keep your identity private your teammates will understand and respect your wishes.

TEAM LOGO: By now if you have checked, our team logo has be accepted and posted. You can find on the team standings page. And when you are in matches you will find our logo with our flag. I thing it shows and send a strong message.

With many of our teammate living in different parts of the world it could be difficult to get together for matches. Also older teammates such as my self have a job as well and family obligations. Younger teammates with summer coming to an end may be starting school soon. As an older teammate I will expect our younger teammates to finish schoolwork before coming into camp to play. You can post here on on forum page when the best time of the day or night you can play, include your time zone. I expect all of us (myself included) to remember that we have real lives to live. We need to be out and about and live it. Let all of us enjoy our time together online in camp both in matches and free for all play. If we would like to learn about each other better outside of Hopeless we can connect through Facebook just as my friend Deamuel and my self have done. Again this is not a requirement to be on the team. What I am promoting is not just be any team, but a FAMILY.

Thanks and see you in camp, Sgt_Saunders :cheers:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 02:31
by Jennifer
Sgt_Saunders wrote: :biggthumbsup: Troy, Deamuel, both of you have shown wisdom and leadership. This makes for a strong team. I am proud to be your teammate.

Now for some team business:

From what I understand we are closed to presenting a set of photos for team picture to be placed in one of the camps. I have the time and if all the Black Hawk teammates send me your picture I will put it together and have it ready for when its time send it up to Remus. You can PM me through the forum with them. In the message also give me your player name and real name (optional). Though we are allowed 10 team members, I believe only the top 5 or 6 players can be placed on the team bill board, (if this is so we can revue our top players we will request and make adjustments every month or so). I will get that info later, but until than send me photos. This is not a requirement to be on the team. If you want to keep your identity private your teammates will understand and respect your wishes.

TEAM LOGO: By now if you have checked, our team logo has be accepted and posted. You can find on the team standings page. And when you are in matches you will find our logo with our flag. I thing it shows and send a strong message.

With many of our teammate living in different parts of the world it could be difficult to get together for matches. Also older teammates such as my self have a job as well and family obligations. Younger teammates with summer coming to an end may be starting school soon. As an older teammate I will expect our younger teammates to finish schoolwork before coming into camp to play. You can post here on on forum page when the best time of the day or night you can play, include your time zone. I expect all of us (myself included) to remember that we have real lives to live. We need to be out and about and live it. Let all of us enjoy our time together online in camp both in matches and free for all play. If we would like to learn about each other better outside of Hopeless we can connect through Facebook just as my friend Deamuel and my self have done. Again this is not a requirement to be on the team. What I am promoting is not just be any team, but a FAMILY.

Thanks and see you in camp, Sgt_Saunders :cheers:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 02:38
by troy1
my parents are devorsted so I can only go on when I am at my dads my computer at my moms is broke I use my phone to go here facebook and youtube I go to my dads every monday and whensday and everyother weekend I am at his house this weekend so I will be playing like 24 7 I have school starting in september to be continued hehe

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 02:40
by troy1
I go on from 5 pm to 830 pm on mon and whensday I will get a pic sent soon after I take one haha school work comes after hopeless 2 jk I am not buying pro until school is over so I have a lot of points

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 02:43
by Jennifer
troy1 wrote:I go on from 5 pm to 830 pm on mon and whensday I will get a pic sent soon after I take one haha school work comes after hopeless 2 jk I am not buying pro until school is over so I have a lot of points
school for me starts next week :cry:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:09
by troy1
I feel bad for u what grade r u going to be in

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:34
by Jennifer
troy1 wrote:I feel bad for u what grade r u going to be in
10th you??

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:39
by troy1

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:43
by Jennifer
troy1 wrote:8th
ohh cool

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 04:14
by Sgt_Saunders
Jenni and Troy,
I guess I got to keep and eye on both of you. I work with young people for the last 40 years. (I know that old). But I want both of you to know there are good people out there and in here in our virtual world. Jenni you still haven't connect with me on Facebook (I want to be your friend). This way as I do with my nieces I can keep track. You both are good kids. And you can and will succeed, but you must work at it everyday.


see you in camp,
Sgt_Saunders :biggthumbsup:


Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 07:58
by boglombear
ive got school to ill be on every day after school when i done school work which is about 4:00 in english time i shall see u good brave soldiers in camp :wink: :wink: :wink: :agree:

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 13:13
by deamuel
ur the best of the best sgt :biggthumbsup: if my work is day shift i can online 6am to 1pm manila philippines time monday to friday,if my work is night shift i can online 6pm to 2am manila philippines time monday to friday,if week ends i can online the whole day,honestly i can online here at my work coz the time off employee is 2pm to 11pm 8 hours work,then after that im alone now here at my work so i can online now :cheers:


Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 21:31
by supreme
Jennifer wrote:
troy1 wrote:I go on from 5 pm to 830 pm on mon and whensday I will get a pic sent soon after I take one haha school work comes after hopeless 2 jk I am not buying pro until school is over so I have a lot of points
school for me starts next week :cry:
ha ha jeniii, i am VERY HAPPY to hear that your school is starting. now i can call you in between your assignments that jenni please come , one game only. now you will feel my pain. haha

Re: black hawk

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 22:40
by troy1
haha call her school and ask if she and play for a hour