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Contacting team members in full camps

Posted: 14 Sep 2010, 21:40
by Sootie
Hi Remus. Would it be possible to have an option to message team members in full camps (apart from msn or email I mean)? So as to alert them to matches in progress and suchlike...

Re: Contacting team members in full camps

Posted: 14 Sep 2010, 22:13
by Remus
We had this discussion a few times before.
Technically speaking, each map is a different game.
On the top of that, the camps of every map cannot share data.
To make them share data one with each other, I have to double the traffic.
And that's out of question.
But why do you need something like that anyway?
You have two powerful tools:
1) Online Players List
2) ChatBoard