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Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 19:17
by Stallone
hillo stallone am i need taem ok

stallone good kill much kill snipe kill pestol kill shootguns kill zomby kill two kill

kill #200 stallone give need teams :help:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 20:00
by Remus
Hi and welcome,

Your english is quite impressive for someone living in USA.
Anyway, try to contact SimOne, KirPak and MilBan.
They are also looking for a team.


Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 20:36
by JarJarBinks
Hi Stallone, me join you team, ok :help:
I 2187 frags, I good, I the best :P

Ok, accept me :beta:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 22:10
by Chewbacca
Hello Stallone,

I want to join your team.
I am highly skilled with the machine gun thingy, the pistol and am the best rocket man you could get. Theres nothing more I like better than shooting all those rockets at players, bang bang bang bang, its greeeeeeeaaaaaatttt.
You will not get a better team mate and I wont let you down, except I cant do tuesdays and thursdays, oh and sundays. You wont be disappointed, I have got well over 100 kills already in one day!!!!!

Please please please let me be in your team. please.....

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 22:47
by Amidala

I wanna join your team :biggthumbsup:
i have 600+ kills. guys please add me in your team. i'll be a good player :sniper: :agree:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 22:50
by Stallone
all this team joining now

we kill good we bomb good we snipes good we to good

:sniper: :sniper: :sniper:


team make!


Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 00:37
by JarJarBinks
Any name you chose will be cool, maybe Chewbacca knows some cool names, he looks like guy with experience :wink:

Here are some examples:


Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 01:53
by ZeronMan
Of course, join OUR team US_Marines!!! We need you and your amazing skills!!!! Hope to see you front and center on the battle field, and get ready to kick some ass!!! :pompom: :D

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 22:40
by R2-D2
I want to join this team.
I have 120 frags and i like bazooka.

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 23:06
by Remus
Are you all Star Wars freaks or what?
In any case, to create or join a team you all need over 500 frags.

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 23:23
by Chewbacca
Remus wrote:Are you all Star Wars freaks or what?
In any case, to create or join a team you all need over 500 frags.
500, damn it.
And who the hell put my picture up :evil: You should have let me comb my hair first. :mrgreen: (thanks whoever did it)

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 14:14
by Chewbacca
I have well over 500 kills now :pompom:
Can I join now?
What is the team called?

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 16:32
by Amidala
hey, I need team :help:
Please help me. Anyone here who is looking for a team mate? i am here :mrgreen:
Please adddd me in your team :agree:

I am kewl player! :sniper:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 18:05
by JarJarBinks
SUPER :party:

Remus, are you charged here to create team? If you are, than can you please create this team, members are: Amidala, R2-D2, Stallone, Chewbacca and me :biggthumbsup:

I think that cool name could be StarWars :biggthumbsup:

Thanks :mrgreen:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 18:14
by Remus
JarJarBinks wrote:Remus, are you charged here to create team? If you are, than can you please create this team, members are: Amidala, R2-D2, Stallone, Chewbacca and me :biggthumbsup:

I think that cool name could be StarWars :biggthumbsup:
The team name is ok, but there is a problem with Stallone: 353 frags only.

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 18:25
by JarJarBinks
Ok, could you tell me is it possible to create team and when Stallone get 500 frags to put him into team?

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 18:47
by Remus
JarJarBinks wrote:Ok, could you tell me is it possible to create team and when Stallone get 500 frags to put him into team?
If he is the team leader you must wait for him.

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 19:04
by JarJarBinks
Yes, he started this topic but we decided that two girls from our team be leaders and they are Amidala and me :wink:

Thanks :biggthumbsup:

Re: Teem nead I ok

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 20:59
by Amidala
JarJarBinks wrote:Yes, he started this topic but we decided that two girls from our team be leaders and they are Amidala and R2-D2

Thanks guys for naming me :biggthumbsup: . As R2-D2 has not be seen on the forum yet , So i want to ask on behalf or her and all from authority(Remus?) to make team please :agree: . In our team we all would be commanding this team ship
Let's be ready for big fight :sniper:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 21:23
by Remus
JarJarBinks wrote:Yes, he started this topic but we decided that two girls from our team be leaders and they are Amidala and R2-D2 :wink:
Talking about StarWars, I can see only 2 couples here:
queen - gungan and wookiee - robot.
I didn't know the gungan is a female ...
Anyway, the StarWars team has been created." onclick=";return false;

Re: StarWars

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 21:25
by Lenny
Where's C-3PO :?: :?: :?: :lol:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 01:22
by HanSolo
hi! it me...han

I join!


Re: StarWars

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 07:00
by Amidala
Join us, we have vacant places. :biggthumbsup:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 12:26
by Remus
HanSolo wrote:hi! it me...han
I join!
Amidala wrote:Join us, we have vacant places.
Done." onclick=";return false;
5 Star Wars freaks.

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 10:39
by musoi
Hmm..they are freaks indeed....OLD players freaks...cut the crap guys and tell us ...who you REALLY are?!!! :lalala:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 12:11
by JarJarBinks
Thanks for compliments. :smash:
We are friends who are playing Counter Strike online together, Chewbacca find this game on net and we start to play Hopeless2, Hopeless2 is very similar with Counter Strike (if you maybe know but I doubt), even names and look of some maps are the same such are Aztec and Piranesi and I really don't know what is so strange? :evil:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 15:37
by musoi
I also play CS for a while and i know about the similarity of the game but believe me...there are some differences between those 2 and a lot of players here play CS and they are not so good close to moves left/right...and other stuff...and explain to me...why one of you say in one specific moment in the game...when i talked to ovi IN ROMANIAN...asking him IN ROMANIAN ...who are those guys?!!...he said...John H asked the same lot of weird stuff around your team...

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 17:54
by JarJarBinks
Say what? Are you the only one from Romania who are playing this game?
One of our mates is from Hungary, he lives and working in the city between Romania and Hungary, Satu More (if I am remember well) and he knows Romanian language, not a perfect but he understood what you were talking about and that's why he said that, is it so unusually? :shock:

I am from Scotland but I live in Croatia, should I hide that I know both language?

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 18:30
by musoi
ha hahaha thats the most shitty explanation that would give anyone cmon man we are not stupid at least me....satu mare ales ardealul nebunule asta e intotdeauna fruncea cica...anyway are suspects...of a lot of things.....satu mare is a stupid explanation...believe me...i will expose the truth no matter what it is...cheers man :lalala: ...btw i love star wars i got all the collection on dvd hd but you guys are pure and simple WEIRD :cheers:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 18:44
by Amidala
musoi wrote:ha hahaha thats the most shitty explanation that would give anyone cmon man we are not stupid at least me....satu mare ales ardealul nebunule asta e intotdeauna fruncea cica...anyway are suspects...of a lot of things.....satu mare is a stupid explanation...believe me...i will expose the truth no matter what it is...cheers man ...btw i love star wars i got all the collection on dvd hd but you guys are pure and simple WEIRD
:sniper: :smash:
musoi do you have any problem that we started playing this game? if so then tell us so that we don't come in front of you.
Cheer up . why are you after us with 2 hands and 2 legs? Please let we people play this game peacefully. Are you administrator of this game? if you are then we are happily leave this game. keep your game with you. And you are very bad player who only wants to pull legs of new comers. :smash: And please do not hesitate to expose the truth. :biggthumbsup:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:39
by musoi
Amidala amigdala a very good player by my standards and by many are just weird people so yes you are right stay the hell out of the righteous all means...return to your counterstrike ....but before you do...tell us who you really are... :lalala: ready for 1 vs 1 with you and all your fuckin cheat fuckin codes....weirdos :lalala:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:45
by JarJarBinks
Really? Than come, I am online in game, show me what you know, little freak :lol:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:47
by musoi
Give up your tricks and i will

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:55
by JarJarBinks
So? Why do you left?
Do you scare maybe? :shock:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:58
by Remus
musoi wrote:im ready for 1 vs 1 with you and all your fuckin cheat fuckin codes....weirdos :lalala:
:lol: :lol:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 20:59
by musoi
Hahahaha...i came in egt and you are the one that are leaving loool...but again...give up your true identity

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 21:02
by JarJarBinks
Are you nuts?
I was alone in that room, you came, be there 5 sec, and I just wrote you: Oh you came? and you left... :shock:
Come, I am waiting for you or all your team, as you wish :twisted:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 21:21
by musoi
That was NOBODY in that room get serious...dont mention you wrote to me...else...what sense i was getting in that room ....i was in just because i saw you there old one...THINK ABOUT IT.....and anyway...i just want to play with you not for win...just because i want to see who you really are...even you beat matter the score...i just want to recognise the style :joker:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 22 Nov 2010, 23:00
by JarJarBinks
Ok, keep up buddy.
I see you hate me because I am better looking than you :lol:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 10:22
by musoi
Oh man you got me ! :mrgreen: Yes thats the true reason for all im doing expose the brutal truth :lalala:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 14:58
by Chewbacca
Due to all the complaints I think that this team needs to have a change in policy.
JarJarBinks and Amidala,
1 - Can you please stop killing everyone because they are feeling inferior to your skills.
2 - Can you stop talking to 'certain' players cos they are being affected by your confidence and dont quite feel any of your charisma.
3 - Basically, dont enter the game, go back to CounterStrike, and dont come back. :mrgreen:
4 - Ignore all of this and just batter 'em all some more. The more they moan, the more they deserve. :twisted:

Re: StarWars

Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 19:00
by musoi
:mrgreen: Basically...listen to point no.3 written by the monkey...grrr aaarghh...grrr oops, ppprrfff....cahcahcah...hrrrmrrrpfufuf :mrgreen: charismatic characters youuuuu :lol:


Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 22:12
by Yeart
hello Remoquisiera unirme StarWars espero que si porfavor mis amidala me dijo que si pero el capitan no me ha respondido pero quisiera que si Remo porfavor

Re: StarWars

Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 22:13
by Yeart
amidala me dijo que si pero el capitan no me ha respondido pero quisiera que si Remo porfavor

Re: StarWars

Posted: 15 Jan 2011, 10:42
by ketur66
Hey Amidala i want to team !!! (me is friend to turk_askeri) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: