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free teams chat in team-colour

Posted: 13 Nov 2009, 21:51
by Lollypop
is it possible to show the chat in colour (red type for oppesite team)

(sorry for my bad english, but i am so tired this evening)

Re: free teams chat in team-colour

Posted: 13 Nov 2009, 21:57
by Remus
I have to waste too many resources to use colors for the chat text lines.
And nobody wants lower frame rate because of the chat ...
But as I promised a couple of months ago, the Chat will have two modes (buttons):
1) message to all
2) message to your teammates (the other team cannot see these messages)

Re: free teams chat in team-colour

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 17:05
by Kalles_Enes
I haven't write in the join camp I am take it Enter is write this: wsqzzz



I can't write Why not ?

Re: free teams chat in team-colour

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 17:16
by Milan
Kalles_Enes wrote:I haven't write in the join camp I am take it Enter is write this: wsqzzz
I can't write Why not ?
Cause your computer is bad :wink: