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New Necromanthus Project - Get Rich!

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 00:19
by Timberwolf

Long time no see! And hello to all at the forum!

I'm not sure how busy you are these days, but I have a video game idea that will make you a millionaire! Seriously. Y'all know me; I'm all about work. (And pron, and cussing pinger Turks, and food, and ignoring Supreme, but also work!)

There has been a literal explosion in the American gaming culture of late, and perhaps this has also reverberated throughout Europe and Asia and South America, et al. I do not know. But what do you guys know about the Social Justice Warrior (e.g. progressives: Anita Sarkeesian, gaming media, Twittersphere, etc) push to kill video games? Long story short, gaming media is corrupted, and this corruption has involved media relationships with indie developers, shutting fun games out of the gaming culture, as weak, text-based games like "Depression Quest" and nonsensical, graphically-weak, Tetris-like ripoffs like "Fez" have become famous. Why? Because developers are in bed with media that pushes these games.

The whole thing exploded just about three weeks ago, and the overwhelming majority of gaming media is now throwing "gamers" under the bus as bigots and a dead demographic, as they seek to force developers' hands at producing games that: Do not keep score, focus on "emotion" over fun, and that have elements of "social justice."

Well, as any good gamer would say, despite their ethnicity or gender: Screw that noise. I wanna shoot something!

This is where a true indie focused on fun can come in and siphon off some of this hungry audience. And that means Necromanthus.

My quick, simple concept for a game: A quest game where a protagonist has to go on covert missions to assassinate the members of the underground fun police morons who want to co-opt gaming culture and kill games. It would be a legit stealth game, single player, with a legitimate big boss at the end of the rounds.

This is just an overview for the forum, with a question: Do you guys like stealth games? (Think Assassin's Creed.)

I have a full proposal that I will send you via PM or email if you're interested. Names of characters, the entire plot narrative, etc; plus, I would write all the dialogue and such. I've put much thought into this, so shoot me down easy. :twisted:

Seriously, though; I'm not just blowing smoke. This market is enormous. What's needed is a real game developer who isn't afraid to make a good indie game these days! The niche here would flock to a revenge game in droves. Here are just two quick examples of how big these stories are:

There's even free publicity for a game using their channels.

A stealthy, revenge-based, shoot-'em-up game where the aim is to kill the people attempting to ruin video games for gamers. :whatis:

We're rich, Remus! Dude....

Holler at me if you feel the itch and I'll drop my entire proposal on you (we can probably even get it funded through Patreon).


Re: New Necromanthus Project - Get Rich!

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 08:30
by Remus
Timberwolf wrote:My quick, simple concept for a game:
A quest game where a protagonist has to go on covert missions to assassinate the members of the underground fun police morons who want to co-opt gaming culture and kill games.
It would be a legit stealth game, single player, with a legitimate big boss at the end of the rounds.